Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Recipe for Paw-made (slash Hand made) Journals!

1. Paws/Hands
2. Fwends
3. Books with hidden treasures (courtesy of Limey)
4. String
5. Ream o' Paper
6. Card stock for the cover
7. Craft Kit (gloo-stick, black/colored pens, mod podge, scissors)
8. Patience

1. Cut the stack of paper & card stock to the desired size (well, twice the size) so that you have maybe 5-6 sheets (or more, if you're ambitious!).
2. Fold each paper in half so that you'll have a little book of 10-12 pages.
3. Along the edge of the crease, cut little triangles about 1/2 an inch apart.
4. Cut the string about 3x the length of the binding.
5. Thread the string through the holes (made from the triangle cutouts) and tie knots in each hole.

6. Decorate the journal/booklet with picture cutouts!! Or with drawings/doodles! Then mod podge! or whatever your heart desires....

As you can see, I found some cute graph paper, which I cut out of one of Limey's books & glued to my journal. I also stumbled upon some funky peacock looking drawing/design, which I really liked! Here, I'm posing with my new journal...tah-dah!!!!!

PS. Oh, and when you see Toodz/Adnama, you'll have to ask about their journal gift (a field guide of sorts...or something) to Orange....

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